I am a teacher and artist from Mullen, Nebraska. I live just outside of Mullen with my wife Denise and my three daughters (Gracie, Isabell, and Sadie). I am currently the K-12 Art Teacher at Mullen Public Schools.
I attended Redmill School (a rural country school in Cherry County, NE) K through 6th grade where art was a big part of the curriculum thanks to my teacher Gayle Neal. I then attended Mullen High School and graduated in 1996. Through high school, my love of ceramics and art was solidified thanks to my high school art teacher Dustin Stephenson.
My undergraduate degree in Art Education was through Chadron State College where I played football prior to an injury and eventually became an NCAA Intercollegiate All-American Air Pistol shooter. My Master’s degree is in Art Education (classroom emphasis) through the University of Nebraska Kearney.
I have a home based art studio where my personal work is created. My family and I also create custom crafts and commissioned work there as well. You can find my studio page HERE. Along with teaching art, I also give private guitar lessons to area youth through the winter and spring, coach the Mullen Marksmen (A Mid-Western Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports Program), am a board member for the Mullen Arts Center, and I am on the Hooker County Fair Board.
My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and must have an encouraging educational environment where they can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create the type of classroom atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where students are invited to share their ideas and encouraged to take risks.
I aim to bring an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day. I believe that I owe it to my students, as well as the community, to bring consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job in the hope that I can ultimately inspire and encourage such traits in my students as well.
Quote - “Why settle for average when amazing is attainable?” -unknown-