The Nebraska Superintendent Pay and Transparency Act was enacted into law during the summer of 2014. The act requires the following:
The superintendent contract to be posted at least three days before the board meeting where it will be considered (by policy, in January).
The finalized contract to be posted within two days after it has been approved or amended by the board.
In order to assist interested parties in such contract, and to meet the above state law, the following information is provided:
Superintendent Schedule D - 2018-2020
Superintendent Schedule D- 2020-2022
Superintendent Schedule D-2022-2023
Superintendent Schedule D 2023-2024
Superintendent Schedule D 2024-2025
Proposed Superintendent Schedule D 2025-2028
Superintendent Contract -2018-2020
Superintendent Contract-2020-2022
Superintendent Amended Contract 2020-2022
Superintendent Contract 2022-2023
Superintendent Contract 2023-2024