Sports Update

Place: Morrill High School

Date: October 2, 2020

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Football Field-
One gate will be used for both home and visiting fans. (West side of the football field)

Cones will be placed the recommended six feet apart leading up to the gate. This will help to
ensure that we are adhering to social distancing when entering the facility.

Signs will be posted with the COVID-19 symptoms.

We will have two trained adults outside of the gate that will be taking temperatures of everyone
entering the facility. Once they have had their temperature taken, they will be offered a spray of
hand sanitizer. (this will be optional and will not be required to enter the facility as we realize
some people have skin conditions that make the use of hand sanitizer uncomfortable)
In the event of a temperature reading of 100.0-100.4 we will ask the patron to move to the
resting area. This will be a covered canopy that will have a few chairs placed six foot apart under the covered area. There will be water provided for the patron. They will rest in this area for fifteen minutes at which time their temperature will be taken again. If they still have a
temperature in the 100.0-100.4 range but are experiencing no other symptoms of the virus, they will be allowed to enter the complex with a mask. If they are experiencing any of the symptoms they will not be allowed into the event. A temperature reading of above 100.4 will exclude a person from being eligible to attend the event.

Gate workers that are handling the money will wear gloves.

Hand sanitizers will be installed outside of both the men’s and the women’s restrooms.

The main gate in the middle of the fence by the track that is used by fans to walk to the visiting
stands will have a worker stationed there to open and close the gate so people are not touching
the gate. They will also have a bottle of hand sanitizer at this location. This will be the only gate
used. The north gate will be locked.

Bathrooms will be disinfected before the end of the first, second, and third quarter.

Cones will be used outside of the concessions stand to help with the six-foot social distancing.

We will use the multi-purpose room as the visitor’s locker room to allow more space due to the
size of the locker room.