Art club members check your email!! You should have information from Kylie about Monday’s art club supper. Everyone will have a shift to help with. Everyone needs to bring 2 dozen bars or homemade cookies. If you didn’t work concessions or make cups you owe money to help with the supper.

Seniors: Pick up a blood drive scholarship application from Mrs. Hardin ASAP. They are due back next Wednesday (April 28).

FCCLA Members grades 8-11. Chapter officer applications are on the FCCLA bulletin board. Applications due to Mrs. Brost on Friday, April 23. Elections will be on Monday, April 26.

TeamMates Mentees:
Monday all TeamMate mentees need to meet at noon in the Hilltop Gym to fill out a TeamMates survey. We will have lunch for you so don't sign up for hot lunch please. Bring your Chromebook! If you cannot attend, please let Sooky or Kathy know so that we can meet you another time. Everyone needs to complete the survey!!

Today: Track @Paxton 9:30 a.m. Leave time 6:30 a.m.

Friday: Boys Golf @Bridgeport 9:00 a.m.

Friday: Track @Lexington 11:00 a.m. Leave time 7:00 a.m.