Reindeer Roundup
Reindeer Roundup is Tuesday, December 20. It lasts all morning, and school resumes after lunch. Here are a few things to know!!!!
It will cost $10 to get out of all classes, and you must have paid by tomorrow morning at 7:45 am. You can pay any senior NHS member (Bella, Deacon, or Clayton). There will also be a snack cart and drinks that you can buy throughout the day.
Any and all fees owed to the school also must be paid before you can participate.
We will not be checking into each class, but there will be NO roaming the hallways. If a teacher requires you to come in, you MUST report to that class and finish whatever you need to do before you can continue in Reindeer Roundup.
All zeros must be taken care of before Reindeer Roundup begins.
There will be a snack cart and drinks that you can buy throughout the day. There will also be ice cream being sold out of the concession stand and a hot chocolate bar.
Rooms: Music Room: Movies Library: quiet space to read/work. Mrs. Vest: board games and card games Mrs. Werner: video game room Gym: basketball, dodgeball, and some extras. Art Room: Arts and crafts.

Lockers and Locker Room: Lockers must be cleared of any food or drinks inside, also make sure all locker fronts and tops must be cleared!! Anything left will be tossed! Locker Room must also be Cleaned out!!

Today: Christmas Program 8:15 a.m. @Lariat

Today: Basketball @Paxton Girls vs Paxton 5:00 p.m./Boys vs Paxton 6:45 p.m. Leave time 1:38 p.m.

Tuesday: End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester

Tuesday: Dismiss @1:00 p.m.